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  • #38974

    499 XP

    @nascfan Thank you!!!!!!


    499 XP

    Today is the first morning I didn’t wake up feeling worse than I went to sleep. Here is hoping tomorrow I can finally start working out again!

    That’s great news! I’m glad you are on the mend!


    499 XP

    OK. So my plan was to drag my oldest out of bed this morning to join me for a run around the reservoir, but things just didn’t work out. So, I hit the treadmill instead. Did the run/walk thing for a mile and then put incline to 1.0 and almost ran the entire second mile. Total time to finish the 2 miles was 24:22. I’m really going to try to get out to run in the morning this week. I’m so curious to see how my time will change not getting pushed along by the treadmill. :D
    Had some trouble still with my breathing pattern though. Just don’t have it down yet. I seem to want to exhale for more steps than I inhale! Trying the 3-2 pattern but it was more like 2-2 today….or even 2-3 at times. :surprised:
    Hopefully I’ll get more comfortable so I can spend less time thinking about breathing and more time just letting my mind get lost in the run.

    I’m sorry that your outdoor run was derailed. But way to go getting it done on the treadmill! And that’s a great pace! The breathing will come with time. I honestly don’t pay attention to mine much. I run as long as my lungs and/or legs can and then walk. Once your lungs adjust to running, it will become a bit easier and more natural. I find that for myself, when I feel a bit short of breath I actually exhale really hard a few times. This helps to drop your diaphragm and allow you to breathe more fully again. You are doing great! Keep it up!


    499 XP

    I took the dog for a 1.25 mile walk this morning. It was 90% humidity! Yikes!!! I then went to the gym and did my 100 flights of stairs in 32 minutes. I was dripping sweat so bad!! That’s the sign of a great workout, right?!


    499 XP

    @eeyorepoohfan, great job! That is wicked humid and you did awesome on the stairs! Great workout, stronger for the Dopey!


    499 XP

    @nascfan Thanks Scott!!! I’m doing my best!! Dopey strong!!


    499 XP

    @eeyorepoohfan That’s a lot of stairs! Good job! :up: I didn’t know humidity happened where you lived. Every time I’ve been out that way, be it hot or cold, it was always DRY.


    254 XP

    I ran twice this weekend, but I didn’t post any of it on here yet, so did it really happen? :p


    Since I’ve abandoned the “official” C25K app (because it got a little crazy for me, so I had to break up with it), I’ve been doing my own thing for a little bit. For the last couple of weeks I’ve just been kind of running, no real plan or framework, which isn’t great for me. Things work best for me when I have a plan or a guideline in place, so I’ve broken down my runs into 3 areas that I need to improve in: speed, distance, and endurance. I know this all sounds pretty basic, but the last couple weeks has been all over the place with no real focus. I average about 3 days a week, so each day I’ll focus on improving just one of those areas.

    Friday I had more time, so I focused on distance. My goal was to run 3.5 miles. The longest I’ve run was 3.1 miles, and I usually average between 2 and 2.25, so this was a big jump. I ran at the top end of my “comfortable zone” and did a ratio of 4 minutes running/ 1 minute walking. I swear running that long my feelings are all over the place, ranging from “I got this!” to “why did I ever choose to do this?”

    Final Stats:
    47 minutes, 28 seconds
    3.501 miles (I guess I will never get my distance down exactly LOL )

    Sunday I focused on speed, so on the run portions I increased my running speed slightly. I’ve been doing my ratios at the same speed for a little while, so this was interesting! At first it felt weird, a little off since I wasn’t used to running at a different pace
    but then I was able to adapt and get it done! I kept with my 4/1 ratio and that seemed to work.

    Final Stats:
    30 minutes
    2.193 miles


    177 XP

    @kcboston Great job!


    183 XP

    @kcboston I laughed the whole way through your post!
    You funny!


    316 XP

    @kcboston LOL You crack me up! But you’re rocking it out! Way to goooo!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:


    254 XP

    Thank you @missingWDW and @acamm! I’m wondering at what point in my training I will stop looking like a hothouse tomato when I’m done. LOL


    499 XP

    Great job @kcboston! You are doing awesome! I do love reading your posts! LOL


    177 XP

    Thank you @missingwdw and @acamm! I’m wondering at what point in my training I will stop looking like a hothouse tomato when I’m done. LOL

    Just remember, it’s not sweat, it’s liquid awesome!


    499 XP

    I’m wondering at what point in my training I will stop looking like a hothouse tomato when I’m done. LOL

    You and me both! You’re crushing it girl! :clap:

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