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  • #35260

    499 XP

    @eeyorepoohfan, first of all, thank you! Second, 61 flights is amazing! Don’t blame you for taking the time off from running, that intense heat is a killer. Great job getting stronger!


    499 XP

    Thanks Scott!


    499 XP

    First run in a full week due to our high temps. So I knew it was either going to go really good or really bad. It was 71* and 80% humidity when I started. And it was 74* with 65% humidity when I finished! I pushed myself even with the high humidity and no breeze. I managed to get my fastest 4 miler on this route! I finished in an 11:24 minute/mile pace!


    499 XP

    :up: :up: :clap: Super :star: !


    177 XP

    Was going to run this morning and woke up with skull splitting headache. Laid on couch with heating pad instead. Might try to get run in tomorrow if I can swing it.


    499 XP

    Hang in there @10dedfish! Tomorrow is a brand new day.


    499 XP

    Feel better Matt.


    499 XP

    @10dedfish I hope you feel better quickly Matt!!


    254 XP

    OK, so this is two days late, but I finished the first virtual 5k in the Run Disney Shorts series on Saturday! Thank you to @starbee for making me feel like I wasn’t alone, because it was so much tougher than I anticipated it being. One thing I wasn’t prepared for was the mental fatigue, I’ve been averaging a little over 2 miles each time I run, but that extra mile just made me feel like


    I also made a ton of mistakes, those include (but are not limited to):
    – I was hungry and probably slightly dehydrated. I had an appointment right before I ran, so I had breakfast before that. I should have had a small snack an hour before I did this, because my stomach was singing an angry tune
    – I started out too fast. The pace was not one that I could keep up, and I knew it, but I pushed that pace for too long and I gassed out a little bit. That pushed my run/walk ratio to much more walking in the second half.
    – My attention was divided, my husband made other plans that morning (come on guy!) and so I was left at home with the 3 dogs and Cammie. All I needed was for them to be chill for 45 minutes, but of course that didn’t happen, so it took my focus off of the task at hand.
    – I spaced out at the end and went over, so instead of 3.1 miles I ran 3.114 miles LOL

    What I’m proud of:
    – My basic goal was to do it in under 45 minutes, and I beat that. I figured a 15 minute mile was a good pace so I wouldn’t get swept at a RunDisney event. :P
    – I finished it, and now I’m ready to improve upon that time!

    Final stats:
    41 minutes, 59 seconds
    3.114 miles


    499 XP

    @kcboston you did great! Much lower than your 15 minute goal and you’ve learned some things for next time. By the time the Princess rolls around, you’ll be on easy street! :up: :clap: I will add, this makes me realize how fortunate and how glad I am to have a partner in these. It make it just feel so much easier, even if it may not be, it really helps with any monotony and encouraging or getting encouragement helps so much also.


    316 XP

    @kcboston that is so awesome… way to go giiiirl! Its so hard to run on a treadmill, and you’re doing such an amazing job!!!! You’re so right, while running your mind can be your strongest ally, or your worst foe! Keep it up…. you will be blitzing a 12 min mile before you know it! :heart: :up:


    499 XP

    @kcboston We did it! And we will do so much better next time! I’m still so mad about my time I want a do over before the next 5k! But we’ll see if I actually go through with that or not :p We should coordinate again for the next run if we can :blush:


    374 XP

    @kcboston so proud of you!
    As for your “mistakes”, they happen. I’m a seasoned runner and still make them ALL THE TIME. Not all the same ones, but random ones LOL

    Just remember that you finished and in the end, that is really all that matters. Now, go sign up for a local 5K and kick it’s butt!!

    I ran both Saturday and Sunday-4 on Sat, 3 yesterday and MAN was it hot when I went out yesterday. Was only just after 9am but omg so gross already.
    I’ll do my mile walk today on my morning break and if I can swing it, do a short run after work before Duke’s vet appt.


    499 XP

    @kcboston and @starbee You both did great!! Never be discouraged by your time! Each run is unique! I’ve been running for over 5 years and still make silly mistakes or have really bad runs or challenging runs. This is a great learning experience so you can work some of the kinks out and know what changes you need to make for next time! I’m so proud of you both!!!!


    499 XP

    @bexruns Way to go and get out there, even in those crazy temps! You are slightly more insane than I am!!! LOL ;)

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