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    1 XP

    @starbee You’re getting there! 17 minutes straight running is great! It took me a long time to get to 10 minutes straight running and it seemed like double the time to get to 20. Keep up the good work! :up: :balloon: :cool:


    499 XP

    @chill7984 great job accomplishing not only the Dopey Challenge but your time goal too! Very proud of you! I’m so sorry we couldn’t connect up while there, but we were cheering you on with our other D-Cotters! You did great! :clap: :clap:


    363 XP

    @missingwdw Great job getting out there for a run! I know what you mean with the coughing afterwards. Seems this time of year I am totally fine while out for a run in the cold, but as soon as I walk back in the door I start coughing. Weird!

    Congrats on completing the Dopey!! That is a HUGE accomplishment!! :clap: :clap:

    I ran 4 miles on Saturday. A 2-mile recovery run on Sunday. And I completed 4.3 miles on Tuesday. Legs feel OK and I can tell things are improving. I just need to make sure I manage my miles properly and take advantage of the recovery days. Also, I am stretching really well after a run along with using the foam roller. So far so good. Praying the good health continues.


    499 XP

    Great job @abeach! Do be careful with those calves, you’re doing good and being smart.


    499 XP

    Great to see so many of you continuing to work hard this winter!!! Keep it up! You’re doing much better than I am! Once a week on average here :P

    I’m not that upset about my workouts this winter to be honest because when winter rolls in I usually don’t work out at all, so this is a new thing for me! :)

    Did a treadmill workout yesterday and maintained my usual:

    Distance: 2.03 miles
    Incline: 2.0 degrees
    Time: 0:25:00
    Pace: 12:19/mile


    499 XP

    Good job @rocketear99! Once a week is better than none a week!


    499 XP

    @10dedfish Way to go on your last few workouts!! And congrats on bumping up your weight as well!!! That’s always a good feeling!!!!!!


    499 XP

    @starbee Look at you go!! 17 minutes of running is HUGE!!!!!! I’m sure your workout at the gym did play a factor in your legs during your run. At least the temps were better!


    499 XP

    @10dedfish I’m sorry your shoulder was bothering you! That does suck!!! But as you said, it beats the alternative!


    499 XP

    @missingWDW I’m glad you are making some progress on getting healthy again! Those coughs seem to be lingering for everyone! I was having the same issue when I had an allergy flare up! I could get through my run without coughing, but as soon as I was done, I was coughing for a good couple of hours! You still did a fantastic pace!


    499 XP

    @chill7984 I’m so happy to hear you were able to complete the Dopey Challenge! I’m sorry we didn’t get a meet up coordinated with you. What a fantastic pace you did for your full marathon!!!! I completed the Dopey Challenge and cleared just under a 7 hour finish time, which I was very pleased with! I loved all of the races and finished with a huge smile on my face and a :mbar: in hand! I have decided that I was a one and done for full marathons and Dopey again. I had tons of fun and the distance was way easier at the races than I expected it to be! My training runs were horrible and painful so I was nervous for Dopey. But running through the parks and all of the on course support and entertainment got me through it all! I’m so very proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love your Dopey costume!!! Where did you get your picture with Cinderella’s glass slipper?? Good luck on your half marathon in February! My next is in April!


    499 XP

    @ABeach I’m so happy to hear that your body is doing much better!! Keep on your schedule since it seems to be working well for you! Those rest days are just as important as the run days! I’m glad to hear you are keeping on your stretching and foam roller as well!


    499 XP

    @RocketEAR99 I hear you about winter workouts!! I struggle so much too!!! The thing that kept us going was training for Dopey that was at the beginning of January. But since then, we’ve really slacked off until this week again! I’m proud of you for still getting in one day a week though!


    499 XP

    My knee is feeling so much better this week!!! We did an Insanity Max 30 workout on Monday and Tuesday this week. They are 30 minutes of craziness! I did all of the modification options so I wasn’t doing the jumping moves. And yesterday we went for a 5k run after completing our Insanity workout. I took it a bit slow just to be careful on me knee and it did great! I paced myself slower than my usual for that distance, a 12:15 minute/mile pace. I felt a touch of tightness and swelling a bit later in the day. But overall, I held up well! It was my first run at all since completing my full marathon at Dopey. It was an overall body struggle! Trying to get my breathing coordinated again and get my legs moving! Ryan and I both felt like it took a lot of extra effort. But we got it done! We plan to run 4 miles this weekend per our plan for our Star Wars Dark Side half marathon in April!


    499 XP

    @eeyorepoohfan and you are amazing! I am so proud of both of you for the workouts and getting a good run in! I’m glad you took it slower than usual, I don’t want you risking further injury on your knee or a new injury. We’ve gotten a couple more mall walks in and we’re going to try the track this weekend, for the first time since she’s been sick. And may I just say, you’ve inspired me to get back to a regular workout routine too, after trips and holiday interruptions. We’re all going to be strong for April and the Dark Side!

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