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    499 XP

    @starbee 50 degrees is beautiful for running out there! Great job today! That is awesome! I am amazed, no not amazed because I knew you could and had confidence in you, I am proud of how far you’ve come! You are doing so good! That wind, any breeze really, can really mess with times and pace. You did just great! Keep up the good work, you are not only going to graduate, you will be tops in your class! :clap:


    499 XP

    @Nascfan 50 is so perfect! I’m never cold and I don’t get hot either. Thank you! :) I truly appreciate the support of everyone here. As many of you know, several people in the “real world” were very vocal about the fact that they didn’t think I was physically fit enough to have enlisted. I have the dedication to be physically ready and I’ve been putting in the effort so I know I’ll get there. But it’s been helpful to bounce ideas off of more experienced runners because I have no clue, to have people encourage me even when I just have not felt like it and when I’ve been discouraged, and for y’all to just listen when I’ve gotten frustrated and had to vent, so that I can leave my frustrations behind and keep moving forward. I’m halfway there! I am hoping that by March I will be at the point where I can run for 30 minutes straight and almost have my 1.5 mile to time. When I started running back in May my 1.5 mile was between 22 and 23 minutes, now I’m running it somewhere between 16 and 17 minutes. I know it’s going to take a little more time, but I am hopeful I will get there if I keep moving forward!


    499 XP

    I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since I ran my first half marathon! I swore it would be my first AND last! I ran the Tinker Bell Half Marathon at Disneyland! I have now completed 9 half marathons and will complete my 10th in April! I completely blame my sister Teri for getting me started in this crazy running thing! I have truly found my love for running! I have since completed one 5k, two 10k’s and One FULL marathon as well!


    499 XP

    @nascfan I’m so proud of you and Kathy!!! Way to get back to it! And even better that Kathy wasn’t coughing!!!!!! You guys will be mire than ready for your Dark Side 5k in April!! We can’t wait to cheer you on!!!!


    499 XP

    @starbee I’m so proud of you!!! Running for 15 minutes straight now!!! Amazing!!! :clap: Keep it up!!!


    499 XP

    @missingWDW I am so sorry you’ve been sick!! Rest and heal up! I know it stinks to not be out there running right now, but you will be back to it before you know it! The viruses going around right now are brutal!


    499 XP

    @Abeach I’m finally back to my normal eating habits! But it was a good 1.5 weeks of teenage boy eating! LOL I don’t know how people afford to pay for teenage boys to eat?! LOL I haven’t been out for a run since finishing my Full Marathon. I was battling a sinus infection and then fell on ice last week, so my knee is pretty banged up.

    Way to get in a great run! I’m sorry you keep dealing with some calf discomfort. But it’s better than pain for sure!! You have a speedy fantastic pace!!!


    499 XP

    @starbee I’m so glad you have found the encouragement and benefit of this group!! Don’t let those naysayers ever get you down! Look at your amazing time improvement!!!!!!! Simply amazing girl!!! I have full confidence that you will not only reach your goal, but surpass it!!!!!!


    499 XP

    I haven’t been out for a run since completing Dopey. I was battling a sinus infection nearly the entire time we were at WDW and once we got home. I started Daily Neti pot treatments and finally plugged in the humidifier! That finally helped kick it out a few days ago and I’m finally sleeping through the night! I also suffered an injury after getting home. I took Winnie for a walk last Sunday. It was below freezing overnight. But it was in the 50’s when I walked her. Someone’s sprinkler system overflows onto the sidewalk at the end of our street and it’s in the shade. I assumed it was just wet since it was nice out. Turns out it was ice. I started to slide and then fell hard. I landed on my hip and knee and was in instant massive pain. Ryan was on his way home from a bike ride. I was just 1/4 mile from home. So I hobbled home and got ice on my knee and hip ASAP. I got a rug burn on my knee from my jeans and my knee was very puffy. As soon as Ryan got home, he adjusted me and checked me over really well. Nothing seemed broken but definitely bruised. He Rock Taped my knee to give it support and relieve the swelling. It’s been slowly getting better all week. But my knee cap and top of my Tibia are bone bruised, which will take a while to heal up. I stand all day at work, so by the end of the night my knee is poofy again. But not as bad as it was early in the week. I’m hoping to start running sometime this next week.

    Ryan and I both need to drop the weight we gained before and during our Dopey training. Our plan is to watch portion sizes and make better food choices starting Monday. We are also going to commit to cross training and putting in our Sean T workouts again. We own several and need to decide which to use. We have Asylum Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, T25 and Insanity Max 30! I miss these workouts and usually see good results! So it’s time to get back at it! We will also be running 3 days a week as we train for the Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon at WDW in April!


    499 XP

    I can’t believe it’s been 5 years since I ran my first half marathon! I swore it would be my first AND last! I ran the Tinker Bell Half Marathon at Disneyland! I have now completed 9 half marathons and will complete my 10th in April! I completely blame my sister Teri for getting me started in this crazy running thing! I have truly found my love for running! I have since completed one 5k, two 10k’s and One FULL marathon as well!

    So what was your first race? Did you jump right in to a half marathon or did you start with a 10k? You are amazing! When I find running for 3.1 miles hard, I wonder how you ever do a full marathon – let alone the :dopey: !!!


    499 XP

    @eeyorepoohfan Thank you so much! :minnie: I will not let the naysayers get me down! I look forward to the day when I’m back home after training, in my uniform, and can ask the haters “You were saying?” ;)


    499 XP

    @starbee My first race was the half marathon! I jumped right into it! I think I started really training in June and ran a half marathon in January! Keep in mind, I walk/run.


    499 XP

    @starbee I think the mindset changes when you know you are going to run a far distance! I tell myself “I get to run!” Instead of “I have to run!” And I slowly built up my distance. I didn’t focus on pace much. Just enough to beat the cutoff of a 3.5 hour half marathon. I completed my first half marathon in 2 hours 49 minutes! I put on a great run music list and tend to zone out! I try not to focus on the total distance that day but break it down into smaller goals. It’s way easier to run the marathon and Dopey at WDW than the training runs at home! Training runs were often painful and I was miserable! But running with so many people and having fun milestones to look forward to (all 4 parks and Wide World of Sports) it really distracted me! The marathon felt no harder than a half marathon to me at WDW! I seriously had fun!

    I can’t wait for you to prove those naysayers wrong!! That will be an amazing day!!!!


    177 XP

    Forgot to post yesterday, ok I forgot to post several days. But today was leg day and I moved up in weight in several exercises. :cool:


    499 XP

    Week 9 started today. This week’s ratio is 4 min walk/17 minute run. 32* but no wind so that really wasn’t bad once I started running. After 1 mile it got tough, but I stuck it out. I just felt more out of breath today and my legs ached a little, maybe that was because of yesterday’s workout at the gym.

    Total Time: 21:00
    Total Distance: 1.75 miles
    Total Running Time: 17:00

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