Quiz: Walt Disney World’s The Great Movie Ride

Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke in one of the classic scenes from Mary Poppins.

Tour Guide: Hello everyone and welcome to the Great Movie Ride.  I’ll be taking you from this Hollywood soundstage right into the middle of the action of the greatest films ever made, all on one tour. But between you and me, this is no ordinary tour because the Great Movie Ride brings these movies to life and puts you right in the middle of the action!” – The Great Movie Ride

Walt Disney World’s The Great Movie Ride was a classic dark ride which took guests through scenes from famous films throughout motion picture history. The attraction used Audio-Animatronic figures, movie sets, live actors, special effects, and projections to recreate iconic scenes from classic films. Take this fun quiz to test your knowledge of Walt Disney World’s The Great Movie Ride.

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Acamm is one of our contributors to D-COT. She helps provide fun and exciting quizzes every week for you to enjoy! Check out our social media pages to see some of her posts too.


  1. I miss Great Movie Ride, but not too much. I’m especially looking forward to Runaway Railway!!!!! :heart:

    • i have no desire to see runaway railway. I’m actually disappointed in the direction that disney animation gone. :(

  2. Man, did I love that ride. <3

  3. Was there actually an Indiana Jones animatronic? Thought you only saw his and Sallah’s shadow with the Ark

    • Yes it is. In the film they were moving the Ark to tie it on the rope out of the Well of Souls.

      • Thanks! Miss that ride. Wasn’t happy when it abruptly closed only a couple of months prior to our last visit

  4. Not too bad I guess for having never been on it. LOL

  5. I really enjoyed the ride, but apparently I was paying too much attention to the actors and not enough to the scenes or songs. ha! LOL

  6. I miss this ride so much. It was one of my favorites. :(

  7. I’ve seen every movie featured in The Great Movie Ride except Tarzan. Unfortunately my inability to do math ruined my perfect score LOL

  8. 90% is just not good enough for a ride in my all time top five! Please can i re-sit?! haha

  9. I’m horrible with the dates in all of these quizzes!

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