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  • #143085
    852 XP

    Since it was my first run in a long time, I went easy on myself. Didn’t want to overdo it.

    30 minutes, 2.09 miles, 14:22/mile pace. :cool:

    That’s the way to go and look, still a killer pace after all that time! :clap: nice work pal! ;)

    852 XP

    My running has been super intermittent this year :( I always planned on taking a month off after Dopey and then when COVID hit a month after that, all motivation got up and went.

    I did do some runs here and there over the summer but I’ve also had three infections this year (sinus, stomach and ear) that really made me feel crummy. I signed up for a virtual race in November to try to get me motivated again but I completely didn’t do it. This is why I dislike virtual races because there’s no accountability and I really need some! I’ve signed up for a new challenge called Winter Warrior. You join a group based on your current ability and the whole point is to log as many miles as you can in the month of December. It’s not going great, we’re over a week in and I’m at 0 miles but there’s still time to get my life together. It’s hard with all the stuff going on for the holidays, it’s all virtual of course, but it’s still a time commitment! I do some of my best running in the winter because I’m not sweating like a sinner in church, but the lack of daylight gives me safety concerns so I have to be careful about when and where I run. Crazy to think I ran Dopey this year! It feels like a dream and with my slacking I couldn’t handle a 5K right now :(

    Hopefully there will be more to post soon :)

    999 XP

    Great job to all of you that have managed to stay motivated, on track and not injured this year!!! My motivation has been MIA since after completing Dopey :dopey: in January 2018. LOL But I would still find the motivation and joy in running randomly since then. This year has just been horrible for my motivation. Air quality, pollen, weather, random injuries, and ZERO motivation have turned my running and workouts into Netflix and Disney+ binge watching sessions. I’ve probably gain about 15 pounds during this time of Covid. So that’s fun. Yet I still don’t have motivation. UGH!!!! I need someone to beat me upside the head! Plus I have been dealing with a random ankle sprain/shin splints for nearly 2 months now. I was literally standing at my desk on Monday and my ankle rolled randomly. Seriously?! Only me! LOL BUT, I have managed to get out to go on 3+ mile hikes in the desert anywhere from 1-3 days/week. I did get in a 5k run just a week or two ago. We just got in the TRX straps we ordered to start getting back to some strength work. We are also contemplating buying a Pelaton/Boflex/Nordictrack indoor bike. We are thinking that the cost investment may help jump start us again. Back when we invested in buying Sean T Beach Body Workouts, we stuck with them and followed the programs faithfully due to the cost investment. Winter temps are unpredictable and our spring winds are always horrendous. So this could be a good viable cardio option. I did just buy 2 new pairs of running shoes and a pair of hiking shoes. I wore my hiking shoes out that I bought this spring! I guess hiking was better than nothing and I killed those shoes! I did get new workout clothes too. So hopefully that will bring some motivation. My clothes were all from before Dopey and needed replacing and honestly, much of it doesn’t fit me right now. So that wasn’t encouraging me to workout because I felt like a stuffed sausage in my gear! So no I’ve fixed that problem! I have 2 virtual 10ks to complete still! One is for the virtual Sloth Running Club and the other is the virtual Villains 10k that was from Wine and Dine Weekend that was cancelled. But I still haven’t done them! I’m not typing any of this for a pity party or sympathy. I’m typing it to try to get myself accountable again. I tend to be an all or nothing person when it comes to my workouts. So if I miss a day or two I just say I will start up again next week, but rarely do. I need to get my nutrition in check again. I’ve given into eating tons of comfort foods and foods that I shouldn’t be eating due to them being inflammatory foods for me. So that’s where I’m at. My brutally honest December 2020 check in. I will need to start posting on here to keep myself accountable. I post on my FB page but most of my friends aren’t runners or into working out. So it’s not a huge accountability for me there. I’m keeping an eye on my ankle. I have it Rock Taped to give it some extra stability and support. Some days it feels perfectly fine. And then other days it’s just fatigued, tight and sore. I never know which one I will get. But that won’t hold me back. I am determined to get back on track!

    999 XP

    @eeyorepoohfan it has been rough for you! But you can totally do this! I know you can, just have to start one day at a time. One step one workout one anything. I know you can do it! :up: :clap:

    999 XP

    @nascfan Aw! Thank you!! I really and truly wish that my motivation hadn’t jumped ship. But it did. I need to go out and search for it! I shall persevere!!!! One day at a time!

    999 XP

    We’ll help you look for it! We can find it!

    852 XP

    @eeyorepoohfan I can relate SO MUCH! I have gained 11 lbs so far during COVID because I keep eating my feelings. This year has been rough in so many ways. I need to get my eating back on track. Motivation is out the window despite my terrible eating and weight gain. I’m stuck in a rut. I hate how I look but I don’t change anything. I had to buy new workout clothes because nothing fit me anymore. I’m wearing the same few things in terms on non-workout clothes because that’s all that fits and I’m not going to keep buying clothes! I love your expression feeling like a “stuffed sausage” that is EXACTLY how it feels! LOL I need to get new running shoes but I’m getting sentimental about how those shoes got me through Dopey (is that weird?) and also it’s expensive and with the holidays I really need to cool it for a while.

    999 XP

    @nascfan I sure hope so! We may need to send out a rescue crew for it! ;)

    Oh man! Good thing we are stinking adorable sausages! ;) I think we are literally sharing a brain and motivation!!! I too don’t have motivation to do anything about the weight gain, even though I don’t like the way my clothes fit or what the mirror shows! Aw! Nothing weird about being sentimental about your Dopey running shoes! You can always keep them for a while. You may always keep them or you may chuck them at some point. It really does get expensive for things around the holidays. So whenever you have the extra funds then maybe you will look at new shoes! I’m with you on only having a few things that fit! 2020 has SUCKED!!!! Minus January!! Maybe our brains will get in sync and find motivation together! We can do this!

    183 XP

    @eeyorepoohfan and @starbee
    Where has the motivation gone? What is happening? I know part of my problem was the injuries I’ve had, and also being forced to work from home now. I sit sooooo much during the day, whereas when I was teaching at school, I never sat still.
    But the lack of motivation to keep going, and the horrendous eating habits I have now…oh. My. Goodness.
    This needs to stop before I pop.
    I’m right there with you ladies.
    Time to turn a new page

    852 XP

    @eeyorepoohfan We sure are! ;) on all counts! Yes since my running has been so intermittent that I am not rushing out to buy running shoes yet. I think I can probably wait until the new year. I agree, if not for Dopey this whole year would be a write off!

    I don’t know girl, but if you find it let me know! :P

    782 XP

    whelp there that goes @nascfan @eeyorepoohfan just got an email making the Star Wars runs in April virtual :( :( :( :( I soooo wanted to be able to meet up for all that with you guys :(

    852 XP

    @warrsm @rocketear99 @nascfan @eeyorepoohfan I can’t say I’m surprised but I’m still really sorry for you guys :( :( :(

    782 XP

    @starbee me either but I am still sad WAAAAHHHH would have been my first experience. I will have to keep the fingers crossed for another year :)

    499 XP

    I’m so glad I’m far from alone in losing motivation and gaining weight. I was 220 after Dopey, and then the Pandemic hit. My weight slowly climbed and peaked at 231 in July :surprised: I’m convinced that the only thing keeping that from being worse was having two houses to work on and a pregnant wife to care for. :D I’ve brought my weight down to 227 now, but still. We’ve all had a rough year. Oh and @eeyorepoohfan I chuckled at some of what you wrote because I can relate (i.e. stuffed sausage LOL ). I also rolled my ankle back in early November. Took a couple weeks for it to feel normal again. My Dopey running shoes are still holding up, but I’m pretty sure I’ll need a new pair before April :(

    Today I got my second run in this week! I felt like I might be on a roll again until I just got the message that they moved the Star Wars races to virtual :( Seriously will they ever get back to in person again?! This is driving me nuts! :angry: Anyway my stats for today:

    Time: 0:30:00
    Distance: 2.17 miles
    Pace: 13:50/mile

    852 XP

    @warrsm I know, it doesn’t make it any easier :( I hope you get another opportunity later on. I am SO thankful I signed up for Dopey when I did! I debated deferring to 2021

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