D-COT App | Ready for Testing

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  • #52580
    204 XP

    When changing audio sources, it will advance to the next song.

    Example: Listening on Bluetooth earphones to Track A. Disconnect headphones while track A is still playing and it will advance to Track B.

    Wow, great catch! I am going to create a special forum section for the app so that reports like these can have their own thread.

    374 XP

    Build 3 does not work on iOS 11. I upgraded my iPhone 6+ to it last night and the app crashes when I try to load a playlist. I will have this fixed in the next build.

    I’m on iOS 11 and the app and playlists are just taunting me not being able to play LOL

    204 XP

    Please use this forum for all future reports. Thanks!

    D-COT iOS App Reports

    204 XP

    I’m running into issues trying to compile my app now. Long story short, my other iMac HDD died and with that I decided to build my own PC to save money. Problem is, I can only compile the iOS app on a Mac. I am running Virtual Box with macOS Sierra. I’ve tried re-creating the app over-and-over again as well as taking my backup xcode project and just building it (which causes the VM to freeze).

    If anyone can help me build this app, let me know. In the meantime, another solution I can come up with is buying another HDD for the iMac, replacing it and getting back up and running again. :(

    UPDATE 02/19/2018
    The HDD option failed since Apple is a devil with their hardware. :donald: I have to use @Chelle’s iMac to finish up the work. I hope to have something completed before the latest beta closes out.

    14 XP

    Is there anything we should do besides filling out the form? Super excited to have access on my phone! :sorcerer:

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