
  • Profile picture of eeyorepoohfan
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    eeyorepoohfan replied to the topic Runner's support and Accountability in the forum Goofy About Health 4 years, 5 months ago

    @yoda Great job on your runs! I walk/run every single distance I do! I wouldn’t run otherwise! So keep it up! You are doing amazing!!
    @RocketEar99 Wow!! Great job on all of your runs! And WAHOO on that 20 miler!!!! That’s an amazing pace too!!! You and Christy are going to do great at Dopey! I pray that all of your training continues on track and that the weather doesn’t sidetrack you. But no matter what, you both will do great!!
    @starbee Don’t fret about missing some runs! I know we had some setbacks and such during our training. It truly is hard to plan for the long run days! It really eats up at least half your day! And that’s really hard when we still have a life to live outside of training. Just listen to your body and get out for those maintenance runs whenever you have a chance. That at least helps with muscle memory! And anytime you see an opening in your schedule and the weather, go get a long run in! Slow and steady is all you need to think about! My long runs were super slow the farther I got. But my main focus was just going the distance! I have full confidence in you and you will do great at Dopey! I kept telling myself I was just doing 3 training runs and then a marathon! I just looked at the one race in front of me and just thought about that one until I started the next one! It’s such a mental game at that point! But any and all training you can safely get in from here on out will benefit you no matter what! I promise that you aren’t the only person feeling this way for Dopey! So many people get their training sidelined by this time of year due to weather and the holidays! And remember, the only thing you need to do is finish each race before the hard sweepers come through! And I KNOW you can do that! I will be cheering you all the way!

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