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Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 4 hours, 51 minutes ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
Ccoop73 gained an experience level 1 day, 1 hour ago
I went from level 895 to level 896
Way to go!
Thanks so much!
And a level up too! Congrats!
Thanks so much Pal!
Thanks so much Pal!
[Must Do Disney intro music]
Oh, levelin’ up, love that feelin’ !
Levelin’ up, I’m ahead once again!
Levelin’ up, my heart’s a beatin’.
Levelin’ up, where the air is so thin
Thanks so much Pal!
Thanks so much Pal!
Thanks so much Pal!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 1 day, 1 hour ago
I received 20 points towards my XP!
:churro:…[Read more]
Thanks so much Pal!
Wow! Jackpot Monday! Great start to the week!
:gingerbread:…[Read more]
Thanks so much Pal!
Thanks so much Pal!
THAT is how you kick off a week! Congrats!
Thanks so much Pal!
Jackpot! Spin Gremlin smiles upon you this day!
Thanks so much Pal!
Thanks so much Pal!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 4 days ago
I received 20 points towards my XP!
:churro:…[Read more]
Thanks so much Pal!
Wow! Congratulations on the great spin, Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!
Jackpot Friday! Way to go!
:gingerbread:…[Read more]
Thanks so much Pal!
Thanks so much Pal!
Thanks so much Pal!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 6 days, 2 hours ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 2 weeks, 4 days ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
Ccoop73 gained an experience level 2 weeks, 5 days ago
I went from level 894 to level 895
Thanks so much Pal!!
YAAAHOOO!!! Way to go, Chuck!! Those 900s are just around the corner now!! Congrats!!
Almost there!!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
And another level up too! Congrats!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Nice job!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
[Lonestar- Mr. Mom]
Couldn’t listen to D-COT, ‘Puter’s down, more often than no-ot
I should do some work, before I lose my stupid job
How much more can I take, before I get my Disney break
I don’t know if I can last, turn my D-COT on!Turn up the Jukebox music, do it now, before I lose it
Epcot music one more time, Monorail, next in line
I’ve…[Read more]-
Thanks so much Pal!!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 2 weeks, 5 days ago
I received 15 points towards my XP!
I can’t believe it!! Quadruple Triple!! Woohoo!!!
holy moly a quad triple??!!
how awesome!!!
:turkey:…[Read more]
I know, right?!?! But I’ll take it and run!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
No way!! So not only are the Wonder Twins back together, but we’re Wonder UNICORN Twins!!
How awesome is that?!? We have to celebrate this with allllll the treats, warm blankie snuggles and naps! Let’s head to the fort!
:mbar:…[Read more]
OH WOW!!! This is AWESOME!!!
I’m on my way and ready for long warm blankie snuggles and naps too!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Holy cow! Errr, unicorns!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Pretty cool spin!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Awesome Spin
Thanks so much Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 2 weeks, 6 days ago
I received 15 points towards my XP!
Another unicorn? Holy cow, your herd is growing by the minute!
I know, this is crazy but good!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
YAAAAHOOOO!! A hump day unicorn!! Way to go, Pal!!
Let’s head to the fort for snacks, warm snuggles, and naps all day long! I’ve missed this!
:churro:…[Read more]
Been too long!! Hope all is well for you my friend.
I’m snuggling in real close and not moving all day!
Too cold to move
Thanks so much Pal!!
It has!! Life and work and just too much craziness cut into my D-Cot time and I’ve missed all my Pals!!
Things are calming down, though, so I’m hoping to get back into my D-Cot routine!!
I feel you Pal!
This adulting really sucks!!!
Glad to hear it’s calming down for you!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Awesome Spin
Thanks so much Pal!!
Thanks so much Pal!!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 3 weeks ago
I received 15 points towards my XP!
Ccoop73 gained an experience level 3 weeks, 1 day ago
I went from level 893 to level 894
[Queen- Another One Bites the Dust]
I did just post another cool post, and XP points go up.
Disney music playing again, he’s all ready to go.
Are you ready? Hey! Are you ready to rock?
Are ready to level up?
One more post and he levels up!
Cool man, say ayup!
Another one leveled up.
Another one leveled up.
And another one gone, and…[Read more]-
Thanks so much Pal!
Well done!
Thanks so much Pal!
And a level up too! Congrats!
Thanks so much Pal!
Thanks so much Pal!
Congratulations on your new level, Pal!
Thanks so much Pal!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 3 weeks, 1 day ago
I received 15 points towards my XP!
Ccoop73 spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 3 weeks, 4 days ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
- Load More
Double for you too!