The Little Mermaid Wishables Are Now Part of Our World

Little Mermaid Wishables
Credit: Disney Parks Blog

Well, it looks like Disney has found a new way to take all my money. The newest Wishables collection, inspired by The Little Mermaid, has hit shelves all over Disney World, Disneyland, and even! You can now get Ariel, Scuttle, Sebastian, Flounder, and Ursula in Wishables form!

Some of you may be asking, what are Wishables? Aside from another cash cow for the Disney corporation, they’re collectible plushies. The catch is that each series is in blind bags, meaning you won’t know what plush you’ve got until you’ve actually opened it. However, there are a few characters you can buy on their own.

Mystery Pack of Wishables
Credit: Disney Parks Blog

As a mermaid at heart, I’m head over heels for the new Little Mermaid series. Ariel has been my homegirl since day one, so I may need to buy a pack. I did a little research, and on, you can buy Flounder on his own for $9.99, or take your chances with a mystery pack for the same price. The mystery pack does not include Flounder, but you’ll have the opportunity to get the rest of the gang.

If I wasn’t a broke college student, I’d be buying the mystery pack. However, not only is my bank account empty, but I’m also 22 and have no idea what I’d do with a plushie. So if you collect Wishables, Tsum-Tsums, or any other type of Disney plush, what do you do with them? Give me some ideas down below! Also, what do you think of  the new The Little Mermaid Wishables? Will you be buying any? Let me know!

Julia is one of our contributors that specializes in Disney food and merchandise. If you're looking for some fun swag to buy or food to devour, check out her articles!


  1. I love the Wishables but I HATE the mystery bag concept. I’m not risking $10 when I only want one from each series. I want Ariel but I’m not risking it on this one. The only ones I’ve actually bit the line for was the Buzz Lightyear pack. They’re cute to display among all the other Disney things.

  2. That teeny tiny Scuttle is SO CUTE!!!!

  3. I have the few tsums that I own on my desk at work. I won’t be participating in Wishables. I wouldn’t spend my hard earned money on a blind anything. Nope, sorry Disney, not biting on this one, I want to see what I’m buying.

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