Halloween at your House

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  • #53211
    292 XP

    I live in a pretty quiet neighborhood, so I don’t get many trick or treaters. However, last year we got more than 15, so that was a record for us! Usually we watch Halloween movies and have a little party here. My parents come over, and my sister and her husband and little one come over. We make Halloween themed food, and watch Charlie Brown’s Halloween, and the Raggedy Ann Halloween, and my mom likes to watch Blackbeard’s Ghost, and sometimes we’ll watch Disney’s Halloween Treat.

    5 XP

    Since we live in an apartment our decorating is pretty limited and we only get maybe 4-5 trick or treaters.
    However, I always dress up. Fortunately we do a costume contest at work (3 other girls and I dressed up as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles last year and won for funniest costume) and they do a little something for us (photo booth, candied apples) which is nice.

    <img data-photo-id="52862" class="buddyboss-media-photo" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/dcotphotos/14670659_10206560641889729_8973493881220410722_n-150×150.jpg&quot; data-comment-count="0" data-permalink="?bbp_reply_to=52863 #new-post” data-media=”234627″ data-favorite-count=”” data-bbmfav=”bbm-fav” href=”” />

    I love the TMNT theme! Are you planning anything to defend your title this year?

    5 XP

    Halloween used to be the best. I used to take the day off before it and carve pumpkins. I always carved Jack, Sally and Zero and many others. I stopped because the kids kept destroying my decorations.

    Now I dont even give out candy. Light is off.

    :( I had a Jack pumpkin thrown more than once myself. It is heartbreaking what people do for fun now when it has to be at someone else’s expense. If you ever find yourself in the New Castle, PA area on Halloween, you are more than welcome to hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters with me.

    12 XP

    She really was a creative and special kid!

    [/quote] aww, God bless.

    12 XP

    I am not a fan of Halloween at all. I do like to decorate the inside of my house to TRY to get into the spirit, plus I think the decorations are cute, but the part I can’t stand is going out somewhere and everyone in the place has that look on their face like, “Say something about my costume!” lol Drives me nuts because usually it just looks like the same old person wearing a storebought outfit. Nothing cute about that to me. Every once in a while someone goes all out and does something creative and worthy of a comment but most of the time it just feels like, “fishing for complements night” to me. Dang I sound like a grouch but really is goofy to me. I like to see little kids dressed up but not adults. It goes hand in hand with how everyone is Irish on St Paddys…..just an excuse to drink. I try to keep my crotchety self in that night lol.

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