Be A Part of D-COT: Contributors

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  • #67826
    210 XP

    Hello, folks! :wave: Today I bring you something pretty cool :cool: (I think) and I hope it catches on and becomes an core feature of D-COT. As you know the D-COT Info Spot YouTube series lasted a few episodes and that’s because my free time is limited and it’s difficult to maintain. I’m changing the name to D-COT Talk Show. The content of the show will be very similar to the previous shows. The difference is all episodes will be LIVE on YouTube.

    Here comes the part where you help! :coffee: I’m looking to enlist a new member type to the site, CONTRIBUTORS. Right now we have ADMIN, MOD, MAGIC MAKER, SUPPORTER and the upcoming CONTRIBUTOR. What will a contributor do? You will help me gather all the latest Disney news and rumors for me to use in the talk show and post in the blog. :)

    If you’re interested in helping me with this, please email me at info.dcot[at] with your username and why you want to help. I’m looking for members who are excited about rumors and news for all things Disney. I will only be accepting a few contributors to start off. If you have any questions, please post them on this thread.

    ~Steve :ears:

    374 XP

    This is awesome! I’d love to help but I’m super sporadic with when and if I go on the hunt for new and cool Disney news. If I DO see anything super cool I’ll forward it on though. :heart:

    18 XP

    Steve, I am interested in helping. I surf around so I might be able to help. I love the idea of the TALK part with some of us helping in the background. I’m in the world now but will contact you on Friday when I am back digging out from nor’easter 3

    182 XP

    My schedule definitely prohibits my ability to participate in this now… Perhaps in the future?

    907 XP

    @RIDisneyPinGuy I hope so! You’d be great at it! Hope all is going well with you :)

    182 XP

    @ridisneypinguy I hope so! You’d be great at it! Hope all is going well with you :)

    Aww, thanks :blush:

    I am hanging in, I can see the end of the tunnel coming up quick! Hope you are well. Looking forward to catching up sometime soon :dcot:

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