
  • Profile picture of Elmo
    3 XP

    Elmo gained an experience level 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    I went from level 2 to level 3

    • Congrats! :jack:

    • Congrats! :dole: :mbar:

    • [Survivor-Eye of the Tiger]
      Risn’ up, back on the boards.
      Doing time and taking chances.
      Posting stuff and listening to some music
      Just a chance to level up.
      So many times, I come here to post.
      And then I sometimes get distracted.
      Don’t lose your co-oo-ool, my fellow pals.
      I’m not sit-ting on my lau-rals….
      I’m the super hot poster and I’m back on the boards.
      I’m in hot pursuit of the ne-ext le-evel.
      You can, fi-ind me posting and I’m spinning the wheel.
      Just to see all my points adding up!
      To the next level!

    • Awesome! Congrats!! :) :up: :dole: :mbar: :churro: :cupcake:

    • Congrats :up: :clap:

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