It rained so hard at Disneyland

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    125 XP

    Rachel Paige
    January 23, 2017 11:34 am

    It rained so hard at Disneyland yesterday, the park looks like it’s completely abandoned

    Southern California is experiencing some very heavy rain right now, and it’s odd. Usually, the lower half of the Golden State is all sunshine all the time, which makes it the perfect place for Disneyland — because, come on, no one wants to wait in the rain to ride Thunder Mountain, right?

    That being said, when it does rain, it’s actually the perfect time to go to Disneyland…because no one wants to wait in the rain to ride Thunder Mountain, which means NO ONE is in line, and it’s the *best* time to hit up all the rides with minimal waits. As long as you’re okay with getting a lil’ wet, that is, but a little rain never hurt anyone.</snip>

    Video on link

    I love it when it rains at the park. Best day to go.

    Tried to use the link tool, but it didnt work


    374 XP

    I saw they closed both parks early on Sunday because of how hard it was raining!


    38 XP

    I went in May for the first time. It was nice and not horribly crowded. Just the difference in WDW and Disneyland is difficult to think about. I would get confused but luckily my friend had been. I enjoyed it but it never rained on us. I can see how the rain stops a lot of people but I agree- a good time to go! I remember it raining (WDW) and we went on Thunder Mountain. The rain sort of hurt but made it more fun!


    374 XP

    I love going when it rains. The parks are near empty and it honestly seems like everyone is just soooo much nicer.


    217 XP

    We were at animal kingdom one year and it was raining, in a way it was good because we were able to ride Expedition Everest a bunch of times because of no lines !


    125 XP

    Another big storm (some reports of 10 inches of rain in places) is hitting SoCal. Here is a link to the Mattercam so you can watch the deluge if it hits


    125 XP

    Weather Radar

    Heavy Showers on the way,-111.93


    125 XP

    High winds and lots of rain into late night.


    11 XP

    Our best experiences in the parks are on days when it rains!


    374 XP

    Our best experiences in the parks are on days when it rains!

    It’s so funny to me how the rain scares people away! I’m in the “Dude, this is the best time to go!” camp.

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