Walt Disney World Cancels Brightline High-Speed Rail Station at Disney

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    104 XP

    BREAKING: Walt Disney World Cancels Brightline High-Speed Rail Station at Disney Springs

    A Disney representative confirmed today that the Brightline high-speed rail station set to open at Disney Springs has been cancelled.

    Can’t say this surprised me :surprised: (or Mickey), this looked to be fraught with issues from the beginning, things like political considerations, where it would actually be ran (as in there were several routes at that point) and not to mention WHEN it would be ready. Geez I don’t think it has yet to get to Orlando!

    Best we can hope for now is that they somehow bring Magical Express back. Of course in the Disney way it will have to be named something different. How about “Disney’s Bus That Goes To And From The Airport” ? :P Skyliner to the airport anyone? But really I think they could bring ME back and handle it like the Magic Bands, where it is not free, but is discounted compared to other transportation options, say 50% to 75%. So, if you stay on site and don’t want to take advantage of it, you don’t and you are not paying for it, well at least not subsidizing it as a baked in cost of the room as much as before.

    Just my ramblings!


    499 XP

    Maybe the new ME’s name could be the Money Machine? Or the Expense Express? LOL


    104 XP

    Cha-ching! :coin: :coin: :coin: :coin: :coin: :gold:


    499 XP

    I’m not surprised at this decision. The proposal seemed riddled with issues from the start. However, I don’t think this has any bearing on DME whatsoever. They scrapped DME without anything concrete in place for Brightline, so with that gone, I don’t see them bringing DME back. Disney are looking for any excuse to cut any perk they can.


    499 XP

    Maybe the new ME’s name could be the Money Machine? Or the Expense Express? LOL



    499 XP

    Not surprised at all, in fact I called this from the start. I just knew it wasn’t going to happen. And I agree with everything starbee said above about DME. It’s not coming back, there’s no money in it for them.


    104 XP

    I agree the DME as we knew it is not coming back, but if they can figure a way to monetize :gold: it, all bets are off. But they will need a reliable partner, which it sounds like Mears was getting lax and still is.

    You know, we thought that Minnie Vans :minnie: were dead :tomb: and they were just going to leave it up to the LYFT/UBER open market, but hay, they are back! IMHO I think Disney realized that they “lost the narrative” by letting the outside providers, LYFT/UBER, be the face of personal transportation on site with no oversite or option. Instead of someone who can answer questions about onsite stuff, you got the “I don’t know anything about the <fill in the blank> Mac, I’m just here to take you where you want to go” (some reason I like think of LYFT/UBER drivers talking like NYC cabbies with a half smoked cigar in their mouth bud) or worse for Disney “Hay, that Universal Park has some really cool rides and restaurants.”

    Anyhow, to summarize hope springs eternal, Disney has deflated their “Disney Bubble” by plan or accident and they will have to work hard to reinflate it!

    Now back to you regularly scheduled programming! :dcot:


    163 XP

    The problem would have been if Reedy Creek was going to be involved it could have any solution with permits and the tools with Brightline. It was a tough call on this deal. :(

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