Private Chat is Here

Supporters can now share private chat messages to other supporters. The chat bar “Contacts” tab will automatically display your pals and in a single click, you can start chatting in real-time. You can create/join public or private chat rooms too!

Please note this is does swallow up server resources so as this rolls out there may be server lag. Please report any errors by using our contact form. Thanks!
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Avatar Integration

Your profile pictures are used in the chat. You can’t beat looking at someone at Disney while chatting, right? :mickey:

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Who doesn’t love emojis? :) :cool: :D ;) With so many, there is a right one for every mood. The typical Disney-style emojis are not tied to the chat system… yet. :stitch:

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Get notified when you receive a new message. Turn on the browser notifications for an even better experience. :rsaber: :vader:

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Who’s Online

You can see which of your pals are online and can start chatting immediately. :sparrow: :barbossa:

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Let your pals know your availability and even set up a custom status message. :up:

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Last Seen

You can see when your pals were last active on a chat window, down to the minute with the last seen feature. :figment:

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