Dinner With . . .

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    104 XP

    When people onboard where I work they put a write up on them in our newsletter and one of the things they ask is “what 3 people from history would you like to have dinner with?”

    To that end I ask, what four (4) Disney People, living or passed, would you like to have dinner with, why and where at?

    Who: Walt, Lillian, Roy and Edna Disney.
    Why: It would be so interesting to hear about the “old days” at Disney studios, but also about their Brother-Brother and Family-Family relationships.
    Where : Tam O’Shanter is Los Angeles, since that is where Walt like to hang out


    12 XP

    Ike Eisenmann the kid from Witch Mountain because I had a major crush on him when I was really little

    Walt to see what he thinks of the absolutely horrible decisions they’ve made in his parks but especially to ask what he thinks of the prices they are charging now.

    Tom Hiddleston because he played Loki and I’m obsessed and now that Disney owns Marvel I’ve got an “in”. lol

    aaaaand Kurt Russel because he’s Disney royalty and I have loved him all my life!

    all of the above would take place at Club 33 except for Tom and Kurt which would be on a deserted island. LOL


    374 XP

    Walt for sure.
    Mary Blair
    Marc Davis
    Roy Disney

    I’ve been to both Tam O’Shanter and Club 33 and both are extremely magical so either of those as location.


    499 XP

    @paydirtburt This is a really great idea for a thread! :clap:

    This is tough to answer!

    Who: Joe Rohde, Walt Disney, Stan Lee and Leota Toombs
    Why: I would love to listen to Joe Rohde’s stories about creating various attractions around the parks. He puts his heart and soul into everything and it’s incredible. Obviously everyone would pick Walt I think! I’d have so many questions to ask him. Stan Lee more because I would want to thank him for his contributions to the world. They changed my life. I would also like to ask him about what it was like to be Jewish in the industry at that time and how that background influenced his work. As for Leota, I would love to hear more about what it was like to be a female breaking in to a male dominated industry.
    Where: Tiffin’s for the atmosphere. It’s upscale and I think it would be a fun place for good conversation


    22 XP

    I saw Joe Rhode walking through EPCOT with a few other cast members…. I wish I stopped him to say hi


    243 XP

    WHO: John Hench, X Atencio, Claude Coats, and Alice Davis
    WHY: I would love to hear how they came up with all these great rides, attractions, ideas, and where they got all their inspiration from! Everything was so meticulous and I love it. I would love to hear about each and every thing they came up with and what didn’t make it to the final cut!
    WHERE: Smack dab in the middle of Main Street USA. Castle right in front of us. :map:


    386 XP

    Who: Joe Rhode, Tony Baxter, Mark Davis, and Jodi Benson.

    Why: Joe, Tony, and Mark I’d love to hear stories of designing attractions and other imagineering stories. Jodi Benson because it would be amazing to meet the voice of my favorite Disney Princess

    Where: Club 33 or in the Cinderella suite inside the castle.


    157 XP

    Who: Walter Cronkite, Dwayne Johnson, Dave Smith & Robin Williams.
    Why: Walter for his honesty, Dwayne for his Singing, Dave for his Knowledge about Disney & Robin well you need a Clown at the Table.
    Where: Artist’s Point at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge or the Flying Fish Café at Disney’s Boardwalk Resort.


    104 XP

    “And that’s the way it is” :P


    125 XP

    To that end I ask, what four (4) Disney People, living or passed, would you like to have dinner with, why and where at?

    First and Foremost Walt. Pretty obvious I have a ton of respect for how he did things. Club 33 for 2 reasons. It was his refuge and I have never been there.

    Second: Roy: Mainly because I think Walt got all the attention and he was just as important to Disney Success as Walt. Dinner at his house with his family. I think that would be a unique experience.

    Third: Dave Thomas: Where; the Archives (take in). Just to be able to tour and see the process of the library he build from the ground up


    499 XP

    Who: Walt Disney, Bob Gurr, Joe Rohde, and Michael Eisner
    Why: Well Walt because it’s Walt. The other three are just because they’re my favorite Disney icons and I’d love to discuss all sorts of things with them, namely vehicle design and Animal Kingdom.
    Where: Club 33 is actually a great idea! I’ll go with that too LOL

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