D-COT Podcast Idea
There is too much information today… not just in general, but even for the Disney niche. If you’re not paying attention to the 14,368,529 bloggers, vloggers, influencers and Muppets (erm, scratch that last one) then you’re probably missing out on the latest Disney information. 🤔💭 And, how do you know what’s even worth reading/watching??
Let’s say on any given day there were easily 200 articles posted on the most popular Disney media sites. Most of these are duplicates! Bleh! Some of them have original content. 👏 What if you could catch up on all of these daily postings in a matter of minutes? 😲 What if there was a daily podcast that was less than 10 minutes in length so you could easily catch up on all the important Disney news?
Please fill out this three-question survey so we can gauge interest. In the mean time, here is a pilot episode. Please leave your comments below on how we can improve.
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Well done, Steve!! Lots of great info packaged into bite-sized pieces. One suggestion would be to open the podcast with the day and date so that later in the show there is a frame of reference when you mention “yesterday,” “today,” or “tomorrow” (4:31 mark). I know it is a daily show, so it should be intuitive, but it might be helpful to someone who tunes in to a previous episode. The date will probably be part of the episode title as well, but it wouldn’t hurt to include the day/date as part of the script. Just my two cents. Again, very well done!!
Thanks for that feedback! It makes so much sense.
I need to work on my delivery too. I need to pep it up I think.
This is great Steve! It would be great to have the info that @abeach said above and an easy way to listen to it like a separate button on either side of the feed or something. So people see it and it’s only one click away. Great job though!! Thanks for all you do here Steve!!
@steve I thought the delivery was fine, but I know we are often our own toughest critics. You will find your groove and rhythm as you record more. I thought you showed some good personality when talking about the $99 pin at the 4:10 mark). I thought it was kinda strange. though, that the Star Wars 45 pin was being promoted at Riverside Depot in Animal Kingdom. I was finding it difficult to marry the Star Wars info with the Adventureland area loop music.
Having said that, I very much appreciated the the music/sound transitions as you moved across the segments.
More awesome feedback! Yeah, I am not sure why Star Wars is at DAK???? So weird. Haha!! I don’t think I’ll be able to use those nice BGM loops though b/c of copyright.
I like it!
I listen to several Disney podcasts, but have wished/hoped for a more concise Reader’s Digest version that would be say 10 minutes
or less. So aces on that.
Your delivery was fine by me also, more fan sounding.
@abeach AMEN! I hate, let me repeat that HATE
, podcasts, blogs, etc. that don’t reference a date. I know for podcast on iTunes it is on the description, but still, come on even the news is like “here are the headlines for .”
Okay, a $99 pin? Uh, that is just nuts, but just like the $100,000+ per person Adventures by Disney round the world, I’m sure it will sell out. I think that their supply chain and logistics are still screwed up and they are just sending things to places, like DAK, just to keep shelves “looking” full. Following other stories I have seen there has been WDW stuff showing up at DL and the other way round also. So who knows?
Wooo! Reader’s Digest version… I like it! D-COT disCast: Disney Reader’s Digest.
@paydirtburt Funny you should mention the the supply chain issues and the WDW/DL merchandise. My son and I went to Disneyland Park for a day back in June and my plan was to get a Disneyland 50th Anniversary Main Street Electrical Parade mug. The cast members at the Emporium told me they sold out of those on day one, BUT they had heard that they could be found at the WDW Emporium.
Apologies, Steve…that was not feedback for the podcast.
It’s all good. Keep the conversation going.
Nice job Steve! One nit pick though; Green Army Man corpse?
Poor green army man…..
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I used to follow blogs and newsletters but it just got to be too much. Unless I’m planning a trip, I don’t want that level of detail, I just want an overview of the top stories. No one is doing that without having to dig through a TON of other stuff to find it. THIS I would listen to because it is short and sweet and to the point. And I don’t do podcasts normally so it says a lot that you found something I would listen to!
This is so great to hear!
Couple of other notes as I listened again. There are 8 topics covered and ShopDisney received the lion’s share of the broadcast time coming in at approximately 1 min 25 sec. The remaining 7 topics are each 30 seconds or less. I like the personality you bring to “$99 Pin” and “Disney Cruise” segments. It’s not just straight information as in the other segments. You inject a whimsical side in the pin segment and you ask a great question regarding the cruise line. Wondering what it would be like if you could bring that same personality to each segment by offering a personal thought or asking a question regarding each topic you cover. That way it wouldn’t seem like it was just reading the news. And maybe highlight only a couple of items from ShopDisney as opposed to 7. Also, maybe move the ShopDisney segment toward the end of the show? Instead of leading with info that makes people think about spending money, lead with info about the parks. That way listeners are hopefully excited about what they are hearing making the ShopDisney content more appealing. At the end of the day, this podcast is your baby and I will gladly listen in whatever way you present it.
These are spectacular notes that I’ve already implemented!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
That was excellent! I love it! Just the right length for me!