D-COT 2019 Rewind

Let’s take a look back on what happened in 2019.

馃懆馃懇 Demographics

Our visitors came from聽121聽different countries.

  1. United States
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Canada
  4. Denmark
  5. India


Our visitors viewed a total of聽771,638聽pages and spent 3,361,530 minutes on the site. Our top visited page is the home page (of course!) followed by the Jukebox and Daily XP Booster (you need to get those free points!). Most of our visitors viewed the site from their desktop device.

  1. Desktop (78%)
  2. Mobile (18%)
  3. Tablet (4%)

Our best referral source was from our Facebook page. You can also find us on Instagram and Twitter.

馃幍 The Jukebox in 2019

Number of sessions: 40,680
Added favorites: 3,623
Added to custom playlists: 4,522
Custom playlists created: 91
New songs added: 49
Total members listened: 3,109
Total hours listened: 289,849 (which is 12,077 days!)
Total times the jukebox was accessed: 124,750

Let’s see where 2020 will take us. Thanks for being such a great member of our community!


  1. Wow! :surprised: those are some fun and incredible stats! :dcot:

  2. Always fun to look at the stats! :dory: Time to see if we can break them this year! LOL

  3. Impressive year it was a lot of fun last year.

  4. YAY :star: What a great year!! :star: Looking forward to what 2020 has in store for :dcot:

  5. Love it!!! :)

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