Nascfan My next Disney trip is in 7 days! One more week! Got all the LL's we wanted for the two days that we're purchasing. It's getting real!
disneygal1234 posted 11 photos
warrsm @tonybourgeois Happy birthday to you!!
Ccoop73 @hawaiipaddler1 Happy Birthday Pal!! Have a Magical Day!!
missingWDW @starbee Happiest of birthday wishes to you, Chloe!!!
lemontwist @mickeyd78 Have a magical birthday, pal!
RocketEAR99 @nascfan Hiya Pal! I see the levels have been raised again, and you are still maxed out
Well just popping in to say hello and hope you are well!
VikingMickey A belated Happy New Year to all you fellow D-CoTters ! I believe '25 will be a good, Magical Year.
laprana @craiden Happy Birthday, Pal!! I hope it's magical!
starbee posted a photo
Mr.TomMorrow We just returned from our trip. We stayed at Pop Century and had a great time. I will post a trip report with pictures soon. All I have to say for now though is.......Rise of the Resistance.......Just WOW!!!!!!!!!!
AVITWeb Sadly, nothing but work. Keep going back and forth "do i plan a trip, do I not plan a trip?"
EricaSonic22 posted 10 photos
CountryBearFan I just hit the 30-day mark from my next WDW trip at the end of the February. Can't wait to get back there and ride Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway!
deecuellar Longest Day Ever!!
Good afternoon everyone. Could someone tell us where and how to renew the supporter membership?
502 errors have been an issue so we will offer a thank you in advance to everyone in case we can't later. We hope everyone is having a swell day!!!
Grumpytude posted a photo
Acamm I'm in LOVE with this Poca mug on the Shop Disney website!
tlc423 @jsinjlawi
Happy Birthday!