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cdolan1990 replied to the topic How long is long enough? in the forum Trip Planning & Reports 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi everyone, thank you all for your kind advice
@nascfan i’m sure EPCOT should be a miss, even bob chapek admitted it’ll be a little lackluster in the short term, however without
it takes away two of my big drawers! maybe EPCOT could be a miss
@bosoxx113 We always park hop too, no matter what park we do that day we’ll…[Read more]
Julia spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 4 years, 8 months ago
I received 10 points towards my XP!
Julia replied to the topic Will you give it up in the forum Walt Disney World 4 years, 8 months ago
i don’t think i would go nearly as often (unless they have considerable price drops as well
) and i would definitely avoid summer time. i mean idk i really don’t think things will be like this forever? like yeah maybe it’ll be a few years, but eventually we’ll either have a vaccine or there’ll be herd immunity. and if they’re worried about…[Read more]
Julia replied to the topic How long is long enough? in the forum Trip Planning & Reports 4 years, 8 months ago
when was the last time you were in disney and when do you realistically think you’ll be back? if you haven’t been in a while and won’t be back for the foreseeable future i would do every park, 1 a day, or combine dhs and ak, or epcot and ak, and spend an extra day in magic kingdom, or whatever your favorite park is!
now that i go more often i’m…[Read more]
Julia spun the Daily XP Booster wheel 4 years, 8 months ago
I received 5 points towards my XP!
Cool spin!
Good talk.
Way to spin
Good Spin!
Cool spin!
Julia replied to the topic Walt Disney World Unwrapped in the forum Walt Disney World 4 years, 8 months ago
omg i watch that episode before every trip!! it gets me so excited and especially since i was 7 in 2003 it just reminds me of childhood disney trips and fills me with nostalgia
Julia replied to the topic DISNEY FAIL in the forum Walt Disney World 4 years, 8 months ago
i want to amend my original comment lol, it’s definitely un-disney like the way they’re handling this situation, i didn’t realize the extent of it. in my opinion, i think they’re trying to see how universal handles it, so they can learn from their mistakes maybe. or like see if the “re-opening” of florida is gonna raise covid cases and that way…[Read more]